Welcome to a part of my online world, relating my happily-homeless interval between years of running a bed and breakfast in Virginia and the years ahead making a new home … where, TBD.

I’m Pat Patterson, Vagabond Pat these days. Single and most often solo, I think I have a great talent for enjoying life, age and budget no matter. I thrive on numerous passions: travel, classical music and opera, healthy gourmet food whether dining out or cooking in for friends old or new, wine, learning and using foreign languages, creating websites, teaching English, reading history … “It takes two” is not so true!
Dreaming of changing your life? Trying something new? Don’t let being alone stop you. Life is short! JUST DO IT.

My first 3 years of constant travel

2022: my first visits to Budapest and Turkiye, starting with opera in Vienna, a city seen only when 10 years old, plus post-Covid visits with friends

2023: my first visits to Morocco and Andalucia, more time in Turkiye, several opera trips, and a birthday beyond all dreams in Iceland

2024: finally starting to house-hunt, the big question being, Where in France? Interspersed with visits to friends, opera and theater getaways
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