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  • Posted in France
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What a long name! Cosne-sur-Loire was joined with Cours fifty years ago, but people may still just say “Cosne” when refering to the town. This was a short day trip for me from Nevers, about 40 minutes by train for about 5.50 euros ($6) each way.

I was lucky that it was market day. It was around noon when I arrived, so many vendors had packed up, but I could still see what a large market it was – and also see that there are permanent greengrocers and other food shops on the square, so market day is not the only opportunity for good food shopping. It seems a bountiful market for January, but then, a good bit of the produce was from Spain. One seller insisted my photos not be for publication because he doesn’t like seeing his picture crop up without permission. Understandable; but I wasn’t taking pictures of the people who manned the stands, nor even of the vendor names (the fish vendor’s label does show – but he wasn’t objecting).

The town is larger than I expected, and that was a pleasant surprise. I saw only a small, central part of it, walking from the train station to the river and around the center of town, but from the train I could see how the town extends. I find it a very pleasant-looking town, with lots of shops and restaurants. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

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