What luck, to arrive in Nîmes just before the weekend of this fair, May 14-15. Here’s a look around midday Saturday. Signs everywhere proclaim “Le Gard – Militant du Goût” (the department of the Gard – an activist/partisan/campaigner for taste). There’s wine, beer, whiskey, vinegars, olives and olive oil, lavender, duck and pork rillettes, foie gras, sausages, fresh lamb and beef, smoked fish and meats, honey, jams, baked goods, cheeses, fried snacks, fresh eggs, cherries, and probably more that I’ve forgotten. Most things are available to taste for free, or to buy a sample of for 2-6 euros. Relaxed, friendly but passionate vendors are ready to explain what distinguishes their products, so there’s plenty of opportunity for conversation and education in addition to the fun of exploring many flavors. Another delightful day in France. A la découverte! (Here’s to discovery!)